


0-3歲是寶寶大腦和視神經發育的關鍵時期,DHA和ARA是不可缺少,能主要構建腦部和眼睛組織,實驗研究表示,DHA能提升語言能力+7.02分²、視敏力+45.4%等¹。天然乳脂球膜 (MFGM) 蘊含200多種營養⁶,是幫助腦部和免疫系統發育的重要營養⁷'⁸。當中的鞘磷脂和神經節苷脂⁶等,有助增強寶寶認知能力⁴和學習反應³。



羊奶天然益生元: 有研究指出腸道與皮膚健康有密切關係¹⁷。佳貝艾特®Kabrita®配方羊奶粉天然已有5隻益生元與母乳益生元 (HMO) 一樣¹⁸,全面強化腸道益菌, 減少濕疹等皮膚問題。






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²語高棒-指DHA帶來的喂養效果.Gale, C. R., Marriott, L. D., Martyn, C. N., Limond, J., Inskip, H. M., Godfrey, K. M., ... & Robinson, S. M. (2010). Breastfeeding, the use of docosahexaenoic acid-fortified formulas in infancy and neuropsychological function in childhood. Archives of disease in childhood, 95(3), 174-179. *評分準則:現代心理測驗-發展性神經心理學評估標準(NEPSY)

³Sean Deoni, Douglas Dean III, Sarah Joelson, Jonathan O'Regan, Nora Schneider. NeuroImage2018, 178: 649–659

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¹⁴Holscher HD, et al. J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2012;36 (1 Suppl):106s-17s.

¹⁵王彬彬, 低聚果糖的健康功效[C]//中國食品添加劑和配料協會甜味劑專業委員會行業年會. 2015.

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¹⁷De Pessemier, B., Grine, L., Debaere, M., Maes, A., Paetzold, B., & Callewaert, C. (2021). Gut–Skin Axis: Current Knowledge of the Interrelationship between Microbial Dysbiosis and Skin Conditions. Microorganisms, 9(2), 353. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms9020353

¹⁸Chatziioannou, A. C., Benjamins, E., Pellis, L., Haandrikman, A. J., Dijkhuizen, L., & Van Leeuwen, S. S. (2021). Extraction and quantitative analysis of goat milk oligosaccharides: composition, variation, associations, and 2′-FL variability. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 69(28), 7851–7862. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jafc.1c00499